Scary! My baby is almost 1 (5 more days)! I can't believe how fast the time has flown by. It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital. Kels and I absolutely love being parents and we feel so lucky and blessed to have such a wonderful little man. Trip is a joy and I love being home with him. I am very thankful that Kels works so hard for us, so I can be with Trip everyday. I wouldn't change a thing! We are having a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse birthday party on Saturday, then Sunday we are off to Palm Springs, CA for 6 days! How lucky am I?? Kels is excited about some golfing and Trip and I can't wait to hit the pool! The winter here has been awful, so getting to some warmer weather will be awesome. Well, since it's almost Trip's birthday I am going to list a few of his favorite things right now:
*When dada gets home from work
*climbing over Canusa (and everything else)
*pulling up to everything
*getting into everything
*Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Baby Einstien On the Farm
*Dancing with Kal to Micheal Jackson
*Foods he can feed himself (especially chicken)
*Apple Juice
*mama's cellphone
*sitting in the car with mama and turning the radio up and down
*uncle Bob (Robby)
*throwing everything off the bottom shelf in the pantry
*cuddling (a little) before bed, lately he is too much of a wiggle worm
*his blankies
I am sure there are so many others, but I need to attach some pictures before he wakes up from his nap!!