Trip has a lot of things he enjoys, but I am just posting a few pictures of what I have caught on camera. He LOVES water! The bath, lake, pool, a stream, whatever type of water it is he loves it. He really loves when dada holds him in the water and lets him walk. The first picture is Kels and Trip at my parents lakehouse in the water. The itsy-bitsy spider is his favorite song with hand motions!! Aunt Jeni and Kal sing it to him and he cries when they stop. There is a picture of them mid song and you can see how much he loves it. We are not positive if he likes boat rides yet, check out the lifejacket pic and let us know what you think:) Here are a few things Trip enjoys:
*grabbing anything ang putting it in his mouth
*dada time
*walks with mama in the baby bjorn (not a big fan of the stroller yet)
*watching Kal dance
*watching Canusa roam around the house
*laying under his playmat
*when mama reads him stories
*being rocked by mama or dada
*being tickled on his legs and feet
There are so many more that change daily! I am going to try to start being better about blogging more often. Kelsey and I love being parents and we couldn't ask for anything more!!